Dr. Sean Jacobson
Dr. Sean Jacobson

Assistant Professor of History
Office: 20 Willingham Hall
Email: sjacobson1@una.edu
Phone: 256.765.5772
Dr. Jacobson’s teaching and research subjects include nineteenth and twentieth century American history, Native American history, and Public History, with special focuses on historical landscapes and collective memory. A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Jacobson did his undergraduate work at Western Kentucky University and pursued graduate studies in Public History at Loyola University Chicago. For his doctoral dissertation, Dr. Jacobson explored memorial landscapes of Christian missions to Indigenous people in North America. He continues to develop that research to evaluate how Indigenous-centered histories combat narratives of Native erasure in American landscapes and cultural heritage institutions.
Ph.D., Public History and American History, Loyola University Chicago (2022)
M.A., Public History, Loyola University Chicago (2019)
B.A., History and Broadcasting, Western Kentucky University (2016)
Recent Courses Taught
HI 201/202 United States History to/since 1877
HI 412/512 Collections Management
HI 414/514 Fieldwork Methods
HI 465/565 Exhibit Design
HI 490/590 Special Topics: The Native American South
HI 665 Public History
Selected Publications
“‘A Memorial to Peace’: White Protestant Claims to Cherokee Mission Landscapes in Southeastern Tennessee and the Disavowal of History, 1890-1960,” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 81, no. 4 (Winter 2022): 348-380.
“Skokie as Sanctuary: Holocaust Survivor Leadership at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 116, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 9-41