
"Striving to passionately engage, unite and connect our international students"

The responsibilities of the scholarship include mentoring and befriending incoming international students. Navigators assist new international students with accessing services available on campus and introduce cultural and social adjustments during orientation and throughout the school year. Each Navigator will help with orientation, conversation partners, and other OIA programming.

COMPENSATION for Navigators: $1,500 scholarship ($750 per semester)

Application packets will be due by Noon on Monday, April 4, 2025. All materials will be uploaded within the online application form.

To complete this application, each applicant must:
1) Answer all questions.

2) Submit a resume which highlights leadership experience and community involvement.

3) Submit a recent photograph of applicant.

4) Stop by International Student Services office in GUC 220 and sign up for an interview time slot

5) Participate in a private interview on April 8, 9, 10 or 11, 2025 at International Student Services office in GUC 220.