Final Grade Deadlines

Spring 2024  First Eight Week Session

March 5th, 12 noon

Second Eight Week Session

May 9th, 12 noon for Fall Degree Candidates

May 10th, 12 noon for all other students

Full Session

May 9th, 12 noon for Spring Degree Candidates

May 10th,12 noon for all other students

NOTE: College and departmental grading deadlines may be set in advance of the university deadline. Faculty members should consult with their department chair for additional information.
  • Steps for Entering Final Grades

  • Log into your
  • Click on the FACULTY option
  • Select the course title under FACULTY GRADE ASSIGNMENT
  • Enter the final grades in the GRADE COLUMN
  • When finished, click SUBMIT
  • Grades

  • Failing Grades - If a student receives a grade of F, U, or NC the system will require you to enter a Last Date of Attendance.
  • Incomplete Grades - If you do not have a completed grade for a student by the deadline, please enter an I or IP grade. If you assign an incomplete, the system will display the default conversion grade (F) on a separate confirmation page.
  • You will need to click Submit to continue. It will only change the incomplete grade to an F grade if the student does not fulfill the remaining requirements by the extension deadline. The student will NOT need to re-register for the course again.
  • Early College Grade Sheets

  • Early College grade sheets containing numeric and letter grades are also due by the same final grades deadline indicated above.
  • Grade sheets may be returned by:

  • Scanned copy and e-mailed to
  • Hand delivery to the Office of the Registrar in the Wendell W. Gunn University Commons Building, Suite 227.