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It is especially advantageous for those who have children, those who need expanded vision and dental coverage, and those with chronic illness. The cost for BC/BS to administer the Plan is $4.50 per month, per individual, and a $250 one-time University set-up fee. Although there are strict IRS guidelines for all providers that administer the Flex Plans, there were specific benefits presented on behalf of BCBS. Specifically, because BCBS is the provider for other UNA insurance, many of the reimbursements would be automatic. One potential risk of the program for the University is that the University is held responsible for the amount used but not yet payroll deducted if an employee leaves UNA during the payout year. More information is available on the BC/BS website, along with a calculator to estimate savings. AFLAC will be invited to the next meeting to present the advantages of their administering the Flex Plan. Dr. Christy called the meeting to order at 3:46 p.m. The Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. The Minutes of the February 21, 2007 meeting were approved as presented by unanimous vote. David Shields gave a report on faculty-staff usage data from University Health Services. Usage is up considerable, which translates to savings for individuals and the University. An average of 59 faculty and staff members per month has been seen since October of 2007. Considering estimated co-pay and office visit costs excluding lab fees and medications, the conservative estimated savings are $5800 per month. Dr. Christy announced that he had contacted the Shared Governance Committee regarding a replacement for Dana Burbank, the request to have Faculty Senate look into the usage of adjunct faculty, and the posting of Minutes on the UNA webpage. The Shared Governance Committee plans to address these items in the near future. Dr. Christy pointed out that Faculty and Staff was notified by Catherine White of changes to our BC/BS coverage that were discussed in the February 21, 2008 meeting. Catherine White reported that she has drafted the agreement with Hartford Insurance for Group Life and Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance, and it is currently being reviewed by the Universitys legal counsel. Once the contract with Hartford has been finalized, Catherine will notify UNAs current provider to terminate coverage. The projected role-over date is April 1, 2008. Other than the information provided by BlueCross BlueShield (BC/BS) representatives Tom Corum and Tammie Tompkins and discussion that ensued during their presentation, there was no further action regarding the Health Savings Plan listed as agenda item IV. Kari-Kay Harp had no new information regarding the initiative to establish a sick leave bank, so the item was tabled until the next meeting. Catherine White reported that BC/BS has a new wellness initiative that might benefit UNA. Larry Adams made a motion that the Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee move forward to investigate the matter by forming a sub-committee made up of members of the Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee and volunteer members from the faculty and staff at-large. The motion was seconded by Richard Statom and passed unanimously. Keri-Kay Harp and Kim Greenway will serve from the committee, with Mrs. Harp serving as Chair. There was no other business, and the meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m. The Minutes were kept by Dr. Greenway.     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