ࡱ> >@= .bjbj 4(hh77777KKK8,Kp6888888$'t\7\77q7766r_?.KD"0=DH==7T\\B= : Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee Meeting Minutes April 1, 2008 Members Present: Dr. Larry Adams, Dr. Craig Christy, Dr. Kim Greenway, Ms. Kari-Kay Harp, Mr. Brad Peeden, Dr. Mark Puckett, Dr. Steve Smith, and Mrs. Catherine White. Mrs. Becky White, Benefits Specialist, attended as a resource person. AFLAC representatives Mike and Marilyn Hunter attended as invited guests. The Hunters presented information on AFLACs Flexible Health Savings Plan. As with previously presented Flex Plans, the AFLAC plan allows employees to designate an amount of money for the year, which is not taxed but is non-refundable. An information packet outlining the benefits was distributed. The cost to administer the Plan is $3.00 per month, per individual, or $4.00 if a debit card is use. The one-time University set-up fee would be waived by AFLAC. Many of the benefits of the plan are similar to those presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield at the last meeting. The same risks for the University (that the University would be held responsible for the amount used but not yet payroll deducted if an employee leaves UNA during the payout year) also apply. However, unlike the Blue Cross Blue Shield Flex plan, where claim filing is automatic, with AFLAC claims would have to be submitted each time. After much discussion regarding the benefits and perceived risks for different salary groups, employees with children, etc., a recommendation came forth that Dr. Steve Smith and the Office of Human Resources gather detailed information on the effects that Flex Plans have on tax structures and the benefits and risks, etc., and that the Faculty Staff Welfare Committee continue to consider it in future business. Dr. Christy called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The Agenda was approved by unanimous vote. The Minutes of the March 4, 2008 meeting were approved as presented by unanimous vote. Dr. Christy announced that Faculty and Staff were notified by Catherine White that, effective April 1, 2008, the AV converted its life/AD&D, and long-term disability insurance carrier from Standard Insurance Company to the Hartford. Catherine White informed the Committee that meetings will be held the week of April 7 to educate employees about rates and other specific information related to the new coverage. Kari-Kay Harp stated that initiatives to establish a sick leave bank and to implement a wellness program are on-going. She plans to have a more detailed progress report at the next meeting. Dr. Christy presented the committee with copies of the Revised Departmental Faculty Evaluation Policy and the proposed changes from the Council of Academic Deans (Revision of Section 4.13 of the Faculty Handbook). Dr. Adams stated that the Faculty Senate had reviewed the document and was generally in agreement with it. Dr. Christy asked for clarification as to whether the form indicated in section 4.13.1 paragraph two was the same form as previously used or a different one. Dr. Adams stated that he understood it was the same form with the newly indicated title. Dr. Christy suggested that the evaluation form used by students might need to be reviewed as well. Dr. Adams said that it had recently been forwarded to the Faculty Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate for that purpose. Dr. Christy further suggested that it be stipulated in paragraph four of section 4.13.1 that student comments will be typed before faculty see the results. He also proposed that Department Chairs not be responsible for assisting with the collection of evaluations since they may also be course instructors who are being evaluated. There was agreement among all committee members present that this item could be forwarded to Dr. Warren stating that there is general consensus for the proposed changes, with the above-stated considerations being taken into account as the language is finalized for the Faculty Handbook. Dr. Greenway gave a brief update on the Staff Handbook Ad Hoc Committee. There was no other business, and the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. The Minutes were kept by Dr. Greenway.     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