
Through its departments, the Sanders College of Business and Technology offers the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with six majors: accounting, computer information systems, data analytics, finance, professional management, and professional marketing. Within several of the majors, students are able to select an option that allows them to concentrate in a particular area of the major. Additionally, the College offers an Online BBA in Management with a more flexible experience designed for working adults. The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems also offers the Bachelor of Science degree with two majors: computer science and information technology. The Sanders College of Business and Technology also offers a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree with several concentrations available, the Abroms and Associates Master of Accountancy (MAcc) and the Executive Doctor of Business Administration (EDBA) degree.
The College of Education and Human Sciences offers undergraduate teacher education programs in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and P-12 Education. Non-teacher education majors and minors are offered in the Department of Kinesiology. In addition, the College of Education and Human Sciences oversees the Kilby Laboratory School (child development center, kindergarten through sixth grade), the Education Research and Inservice Center (ERIC), and the Human Performance Laboratory.
Entering freshmen and transfer students complete a four-year curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, students are awarded the BSN degree, and are eligible to take the NCLEX exam for licensing as a registered nurse (R.N.).
For Registered Nurses who wish to attain the BSN degree, our "RN to BSN Online Program" allows RNs to attain their BSN degree entirely online. For BSN prepared nurses, we also offer an MSN degree program completely online. Both the BSN and the MSN online programs provide an online learning environment that is educationally rewarding and designed to meet the schedule of the working student.
Visit the Anderson College of Nursing and Health Professions
The Honors College invites you to be a part of an extraordinary opportunity at the 国产AV. Students, faculty, and staff are united by a shared focus on postgraduate success. Everything we do in the Honors College is designed to make postgraduate success a reality for our students … success as our students define it and on their terms.