Applying to TEP/GTEP

Applications for Spring 2025 TEP and GTEP are now open!

Applications are due by Friday, February 14, 2025 by 11:55 pm.

Note: If you submit your TEP/GTEP application late, your application will not be processed until you have paid a non-refundable $50 fee to the Office of Educator Preparation. Late Applications will be accepted until March 7th. Late fees must be submitted to the Office of Student Accounts using account number 164577 and a copy of your receipt must be attached to your application for processing.

 to pay the late fee through Student Accounts, or .

Final decisions will not be made until after the end of the semester when grades are posted. You will not be allowed to register for courses requiring TEP/GTEP admission until this time. 

What do I need to apply to TEP?

  • MyUNA Profile log in
    • As a current student, you can use your UNA credentials:tep-1.jpg
  • Declared Education Major in COEHS
  • TCH Number (ALSDE ID)
  • Proof of ALSDE Fingerprint Clearance
  • Proof of Personal Liability Coverage
  • Coursework: At least 30 hours of coursework applicable to an appropriate program of study is required. 
  • Additional Coursework: Complete the following courses with a grade of “C” or better:
    • ED 292 Preprofessional Seminar and Laboratory Experience
    • COM 201 Fundamentals of Speech
    • EN111 First-Year Composition I
    • EN112 First-Year Composition II
  • GPA:
    • Professional Studies coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.0
    • Teaching Field coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.75
    • UNA GPA minimum GPA of 2.75
    • Overall GPA minimum GPA of 2.5

What do I need to apply to GTEP?

  • MyUNA Profile log in
    • As a current student, you can use your UNA credentials:tep-1.jpg
  • Declared Education Major in COEHS
  • TCH Number (ALSDE ID)
  • Proof of ALSDE Fingerprint Clearance
  • Proof of Personal Liability Coverage
  • Graduate Intro Course: Complete ED 585 or ECE 500 with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Passed Required Assessments (Passing scores must be on file with UNA by May 1st.)
  • GPA: A minimum Overall GPA of 2.75

 What happens after I submit my application?

  • You will need to schedule your TEP/GTEP Interview through MyUNA Profile.
  • If you complete your interview successfully, we will then begin reviewing your application.
  • Decisions are not made until final grades have been posted at the end of the semester.
  • You will receive an email notifying you of the decision regarding your TEP/GTEP application.

You can check on the status of your TEP/GTEP application by clicking the link below. 

If you have questions regarding TEP/GTEP, please contact Ms. Bretta Cagle, at

Please review the handbook for your certification level below (Class B, Alt A, A, or AA). You will be asked to submit a completed signature page confirming you have read and understand the handbook as part of your TEP/GTEP application in MyUNA profile.

TEP Handbook

GTEP Handbook