Dr. Michael Floren is an Assistant Professor of Data Analytics at the ¹ú²úAV. Prior to his role at UNA, Dr. Floren served as Program Director of Statistics and Director of the Statistical Consulting Center at Misericordia University. Dr. Floren earned his doctorate in Applied Statistics and Research Methods at the University of Northern Colorado, and was formerly a high school teacher in the Denver area. He became a UNA Lion in 2021. Dr. Floren provides methodological and statistical consults for a variety of fields including business, medicine, education, psychology, and public health. Topics include study design/methods, data cleaning, data visualization, statistical analysis, reporting, and interpretation. While Dr. Floren uses a large variety of known statistical methods and techniques when consulting, he also works to design and improve statistical theory and practice. His most recent statistics and methodological research lines focus on instrument design and inflated count modeling. Dr. Floren is the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award from the University of Northern Colorado, as well as the 2023 Faculty Research Award from the Sanders College of Business and Technology at UNA. He is a member of a variety of different professional organizations, and serves in varying roles within each. Dr. Floren enjoys a variety of hobbies, such as playing tennis, kayaking, swing dancing, playing guitar, good whiskey, and (of course) playing video games/watching anime. He is also an avid reader of fiction and philosophy, with Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings being his favorite book series of all time.
Research Interests
- Statistics
- Methodology
- Measurement
- Statistical Consulting
- Program Evaluation
Courses Taught
- Applied Statistics/Research Methods (PhD)
University of Northern Colorado - Applied Statistics/Research Methods (MS)
University of Northern Colorado - Mathematics Education, 5-12 - Mathematics (BA)
Bethel University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Michael A. Floren, Thomas Killian, and Harvey Peters. 2023. Development and Validation of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies- Inventory. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
- Barry A. Cumbie, Michael A. Floren, and D. C. Kutz. 2023. Psychological Capital and Professional Identity: A Study of Professional Business Students Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice
- A. Coleman, Michael A. Floren, and E. McLaughlin. 2023. Practitioner Burnout and Productivity Levels in Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Facilities American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Michael A. Floren, E. Fredrick, T. Killian, and H. Peters. 2023. The Relationship between Religious Identity and Ally Identity/Expression within Affirming Contexts Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research
- Robert W. Armstrong, Michael A. Floren, Jason P. Imbrogno, and Keith D. Malone. 2023. Industrial Relations Journal
- J. Coleman, H. Carmichael, T. Zangara, J. Dunn, T.J. Schroeppel, E. Campion, M. Goodman, P. Hosokawa, A. Sauaia, E. Moore, B. Bunn, Michael A. Floren, and L. Ferrigno. 2021. A stitch in time saves clots: A multicenter analysis of venous thromboembolism chemoprophylaxis in patients with traumatic brain injury.
- Knopp, Galena K. Rhoades, Lisa Rue, Michael A. Floren, and Kiley Floren. 2021. Messaging considerations in teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention.
- Lisa A. Rue, Michael A. Floren, Kiley M. Floren, Galena K. Rhoades, Kayla Knopp, Elaine M. Walker, and Jesse Owen. 2021. Single and Multi-message Sexuality Education: Improving Implementation and Evaluation of Group-based Programs.
- Kelly B. Filipkowski, Alicia B. Nordstrom, Triet Pham, Michael A. Floren, and Scott L. Massey. 2021. The Impact of Perfectionism on Mental, Social, and Physical Health of Graduate Students in the Health Sciences.
- M.A Mixon, S.K. Dietrich, Michael A. Floren, Rogoszewski, L. Kane, N. Nudell, and L. Spears. 2021. Time to antibiotic administration: Sepsis alerts called in emergency department versus in the field via emergency medical services.
- Samantha Estrada, Michael A. Floren, Justin Harding, and Matthew Wroblewski. 2021. What is your research question? A mixed methods evaluation of an academic statistical consulting center. Evaluation and Program Planning
- Michael A. Floren, C. Hess, V.J.H. Sherman, and N. Sileo. 2020. Accreditation by Design: Developing an Instrument to Measure Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of Preparedness in the InTASC Standards.
- T. Killian and Michael A. Floren. 2020. Exploring the Relationship Between Pedagogy and Counselor Trainees’ Multicultural and Social Justice Competence. Journal of Counseling & Development
- Lisa Rue, Michael A. Floren, Kiley Floren, Galena Rhoades, Kayla Knopp, and Elaine Walker. 2020. Single and Multi-Message Sexuality Education: Improving Precision Prevention for the Field.
- Michael A. Floren. 2019. R Tutorial Videos.
- Michael A. Floren. 2019. R Tutorial Videos.
- J. Harding, S. Estrada, and Michael A. Floren. 2019. What Makes a Good Research Consultant? Qualitative Report, The