Repeat Coursework Policy
Financial Aid Policy Regarding Repeat Coursework
Effective July 1, 2011, per federal regulations (34 CFR Section 668.2), repeated coursework that falls under the following conditions cannot be included in a student's enrollment status for Title IV Federal Aid eligibility, including the Federal Pell Grant and Federal Stafford Loans:
- Repeating a previously passed course more than once. A course is considered passed if the student receives a grade of D or better.
- Repeating a previously passed course due to failing other coursework.
- Repeating a previously passed course for the sole purpose of gaining eligibility for Title IV aid.
Federal Title IV aid will be recalculated based on the student's adjusted enrollment status. This recalculation will be applied regardless of whether a student received aid for previous course enrollments. Some courses are repeatable per university policy and are not restricted by these regulations. Students will be notified if they are receiving Title IV aid and enrolled in non-repeatable coursework for a term.
Example 1:
A student is repeating a previously passed three credit hour course for the second time. The student is enrolled in a total of twelve credit hours for the term. Per federal regulations, the repeated course must be excluded from the student's Title IV enrollment status. Only nine of the student's twelve hours can be used to calculate his Title IV aid eligibility. The student's Federal Pell Grant will be reduced to reflect three quarter time instead of full-time enrollment.
Example 2:
A student repeats a previously passed course. The student receives an F on the second attempt. The student attempts the course for the third time. The third course attempt will not be counted in total enrollment hours for Title IV aid purposes.
Example 3:
A student repeats a previously passed course. The student withdraws from the course on the second attempt. The student attempts the course for the third time. The third course attempt will not be counted in total enrollment hours for Title IV aid purposes.