Faculty - Family and Community Services

Dr. Amber Paulk
Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs
Dean of Graduate and Online Education
Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE)
UNA Box 5030
313 Wendell W. Gunn University Commons Building
Florence, AL 35632-0001
- Ph.D. Human Developmental and Family Studies, Auburn University
- M.S. Human Development and Family Studies, Auburn University
Graduate Courses Taught
The purpose of the course is to increase students’ understanding of the unique issues that children, youth, and families face and to help them to identify and apply appropriate research-based curricula that will help improve the quality of life of the families they serve. Students will become familiar with how to identify quality research -based programs, establish program goals, implement quality family life education programs, and evaluate programs for effectiveness. Also listed as SO 501 but creditable only in field for which registered. Prerequisites: By instructor permit only.