Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee

Members (2024-2025)

Mr. Heath Bennett (non-voting, LaudCo EMA)
Dr. Wayne Bergeron (faculty at large, 2026)
Ms. Olivia Britton (SGA, 2025)
Ms. Sheena Burgreen (by position)
Ms. Cindy Conlon (by position)
Mr. Ethan Humphres (by position)
Mr. Les Jackson (by position)
Dr. Humayun Kabir (Chem & Physics fac, 2025)
Dr. Brian Kim (Biology faculty, 2027)
Mr. Randall Phifer (by position)
Mr. Parkerson Seward (VisArts&Des faculty, 2026)
Dr. Sayeed Shohag (Eng & IndusProf faculty, 2025)
Ms. Jennifer Sutton (by position)
Ms. Julie Taylor (COAD, 2026)
Dr. KC White (non-voting, by position)
Ms. Angela Zwissler (by position)


Minutes of Meetings

Annual Reports