Marching Band Invited to Bands of America


The UNA Band And Bands of America

The 国产AV Marching Band has provided exhibition performances for the Bands of America Super Regionals in the Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA during the 2012, 2013 and 2018 seasons; and, in 2013, the band traveled to Indianapolis, IN to provide an exhibition performance for the BOA Grand National Championships. It is an honor to have been invited to provide exhibition performances again at the BOA Grand Nationals in 2014, 2016, and 2019.

Drum Battle Champions

The UNA Drumline served as a clinic drum-line at the Percussive Arts Society International Conference, held in Indianapolis, IN in November 2013. As part of the festivities, the UNA Drumline competed and won the first annual Drumline Battle, sponsored by Mapex Corporation. Among the other drum-lines competing were the University of Michigan, Indiana University, Ball State University, University of Cincinnati, Tennessee State University, and Lamar University.

For Information on becoming a part of the Tradition of Excellence demonstrated by the UNA Marching Band, please contact:

Dr. Lloyd Jones
UNA Box 5240
One Harrison Plaza
Florence, Al. 35630
Phone: 256-765-5111