Environmental Health and Safety
The Environmental Health and Safety Department supports the UNA mission through providing guidance and assistance to campus personnel that helps to ensure a safe campus environment. Areas of focus include occupational health and safety, environmental compliance, and lab safety.
Ms. Angela M. Zwissler
Director, Environmental Health & Safety
Storm Water Management

- The 国产AV has been issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for storm water discharges from regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4).
- The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is responsible for management of the Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP).
- Reduce the discharge of pollutants from the campus to the maximum extent practicable
- Protect the water quality of Cypress Creek
- Satisfy the requirements of the Clean Water Act (CWA)
If you wish to report a storm water concern or potential illicit discharge on the university's property, send an email to:
Illicit Discharge Definition - As defined at 40 CF Part 122.26(b)(2): refers to any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not entirely composed of stormwater, except discharges authorized under an NPDES permit (other than the NPDES permit for discharges from the MS4) and discharges resulting form fire fighting activities. A list of authorized discharges can be found in the Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP).
EHS Guidelines
- Chapter 1: Program Management
- Chapter 3: Fire Safety Plan
- Chapter 4: Means of Egress
- Chapter 5: Laboratory Safety
- Chapter 6: Hazard Communication
- Chapter 7: Hazardous Waste Management
- Chapter 8: Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
- Chapter 10: Personal Protective Equipment
- Chapter 11: Hearing Conservative Program
- Chapter 12: Permit Required Confined Spaces
- Chapter 13: The Control of Hazardous Energy - Lockout-Tagout
- Chapter 14: Walking and Working Surfaces
- Chapter 15: Powered Industrial Trucks
EHS Training Tools
- EHS-01 Bench Grinder Safety
- EHS-08 Office Safety
- EHS-11 Stair Safety
- EHS-17 Guide to Laboratory Sink-Sewer Disposal of Chemicals
- EHS-18 First Aid Kit Requirements
- EHS-20 Battery Disposal Requirements
- EHS-22 Aerosol Can Disposal Requirements
- EHS-23 Empty Chemical Containers
- EHS-24 Lamp Disposal Requirements
- EHS-37 Management of Discarded Electronics
Automated External Defibrillators(AEDs)
Safety Data Sheets(SDSs)
- Note: If you would like access to the campus Hazardous Chemical Inventory system, Chemventory, send a request to azwissler@una.edu.
- Instructions for using Chemventory
Building Coordinators
Ergonomics Resources
- Computer Workstation Set-Up
- Computer Workstation Stretches
- Computer and Desk Stretches
- Lifting lessons
Prevent Heat Illness
Employee Accident/Injury Report Form
Emergency Information - Building Specific
- 541 W. College St.
- 601 Cramer Way
- Art Building
- Bennett Building
- Burford Science-Engineering Building
- Coby Hall
- Collier Library
- Communications Building
- East Campus-1640 Tune Ave.
- Facilities - Maintenance
- Facilities - Front Office
- Flowers Hall
- George Lindsey Theater
- Grounds and Environmental Services
- Guillot University Center - 1st Floor
- Guillot Univeristy Center - 2nd Floor
- Gunn Commons
- Hal Self Field House
- Harrison Hall
- Information Technology Services
- Keller Hall
- Keller Hall - University Police Dept.
- McKinney Center
- Music Building
- Norton Auditorium
- Outdoor Adventure Center
- Planetarium
- Powers Hall
- Rogers Hall
- SOTA (School of the Arts) & Entertainment Industry
- Student Recreation Center
- Steam Plant
- Stevens Hall
- Stone Lodge
- Student Publications
- Weight Room
- Wesleyan Annex
- Wesleyan Hall
- Willingham Hall
- Wilson Medical Arts
Emergency Management Procedures Overview Training
Click on the link below to view a 3:14 (min:sec) video on how to access Emergency Management information.