Room Change Requests & Consolidation


The University makes all assignments without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin and rejects all requests for change of assignment based upon reasons of race, color, religion, disability, national origin, or other protected category. 


Please note that room change requests will not be reviewed until the week of August 26th (fall) and January 10th (spring).

Fall Semester: 

  • August 23rd: Consolidation Notifications Begin
  • August 26th: Review of Room Change Requests will begin
  • August 28th: Review of Room Change Requests will conclude
  • September 4th: All Room Changes Conclude
  • September 11th: Consolidations Conclude (No room changes after this date for the remainder of fall semester)

Spring Semester 

  • January 10th: Consolidation Notifications Begin
  • January 13th: Review of Room Change Requests will begin
  • January 15th:Review of Room Change Requests will conclude
  • January 22nd: All Room Changes Conclude
  • January 29th: Consolidations Conclude (No room changes after this date for the remainder of spring semester)

Room Change Request Process

You may request a room change by completing the online room change request form HERE

  • We cannot guarantee that all room change requests will be granted. 
  • Room changes are completely dependent upon space, availability, and nature of request.
  • You may request to move to another room, another hall, or with a specific roommate.
  • Room change approvals occur over the course over several weeks. Contacting HRL will not expedite your move.
  • Residents are not allowed to move without the written approval of HRL.
  • Please note that if you move to a room that you are not assigned to, there is a $150 unauthorized change fee and you will be required to return to your original assignment within 24 hours. 

IMPORTANT: The Residence Hall Contract states that any student living in a DOUBLE OCCUPANCY ROOM must either a) identify or accept a roommate OR b) declare and assume financial responsibility for a single / double-as-a-single room. If you do not have a roommate now or find yourself without a roommate during the room change/consolidation time period, you MUST complete a room change form and indicate your preference. Please see your RA or email Housing & Residence Life for assistance.  

Consolidation Process

  • Any resident that has not received a roommate by the Friday after classes begin will have 3 options:
    • Purchase the vacant space in their room as a private and pay applicable charges 
    • Voluntarily identify another resident that is currently without a roommate (listing will be provided)
      • The residents can either mutually agree on which resident will relocate OR
      • The Occupancy Coordinator will determine which resident will relocate based on application date
    • Be assigned a roommate at random
      • The residents can either mutually agree on which resident will relocate OR
      • The Occupancy Coordinator will determine which resident will relocate based on academic classification and application date
  • Any resident without a roommate 14 days after classes begin will automatically be assigned a roommate. 
    • The Occupancy Coordinator will determine which resident will relocate based on application date and classification.