Minors and Certificates

The Art Department also offers a number of minors in various fields of art. The minors are attractive for students who wish to gain a deeper understanding of art and an expanded skillset for creativity. Each minor offers a set of courses that provides hands-on experiences to broaden a student's studies and enhance their knowledge in the arts. The requirements for our minors and certificates are listed below:


Minor in Art
Course Credit
Drawing I (AR 221) 3
Design I (AR 231) 3
Studio Electives (including nine hours of 300-400 level) 12
Total 18

Minor in Art History
Course Credit
Art History Survey I (AR 281) 3
Art History Survey II (AR 282) 3
Art History Survey III (AR 283) 3
American Art (AR 483) 3
Art History Electives from AR 480, 481, 482, 484, 485, 486 6
Total 18

Minor in Apparel Design
Course Credit
Textile Product Analysis (FASH 241) 3
Apparel Illustration (FASH 330) 3
Computer Aided Design for Apparel Patterns (FASH 331) 3
Advanced Sewing Construction (FASH 350) 3
Production Development: Technical Design (FASH 442) 3
Draping (FASH 451) 3
Total 18
Minor in Minor in Culinary Arts
Course Credit
Basic Baking (CAM 221) 3
Select one from the following courses: 3
Menu Planning (CAM 251)
Advanced Baking (CAM 326)
Adv. Pastries and Desserts (CAM 426)
Pastries and Desserts (CAM 332) 3
Superv. in Hospitality Mgt. (CAM 355) 3
Food and Beverage Cost Control (CAM 430) 3
Culinary Entrepreneurship (CAM 470) 3
Total 18
Minor in Design Build Technology
Course Credit
Architectural Documentation I (IAD 260) 3
Architectural Documentation II (IAD 264) 3
Architectural Documentation III (IAD 343) 3
Construction Technology (IAD 310) 3
Visual Communication of the Built Environment (IAD 345) 3
Building Systems for Interior Architecture and Design (IAD 354) 3
Total 18
Minor in Food Management
Course Credit
Menu Planning (CAM 251) 3
Food and Beverage Cost Control (CAM 430) 3
First Aid (HPE 233) 3
Principles of Management (MG 330) 3
Principles of Marketing (MK 360) 3
Managing Food and Bev. Op (CAM 431) 3
Total 18
Minor in Kitchen and Bath Design
Course Credit
Architectural Documentation I (IAD 260) 3
Architectural Documentation II (IAD 264) 3
Architectural Documentation III (IAD 343) 3
Space, Form, and Concept (IAD 274) 3
Building Systems for Interior Architecture and Design (IAD 354) 3
Interior Architecture and Design I- Residential Studio (IAD 364) 3
Total 18
Minor in Retailing and Clothing
Course Credit
Textile Product Analysis (FASH 241) 3
History of Dress I (FASH 320) or Social & Cultural Aspects of Clothing (FASH 325) 3
Merchandising (FASH 321) 3
Visual Presentation (FASH 322) 3
Textiles and Materials (FASH 341W) 3
Advanced Sewing Construction (FASH 350) 3
Total 18
Minor in Hospitality and Events Management
Course Credit
Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (HEM 102) 3
Lodging Systems (HEM 202) 3
Lodging Management (HEM 402) 3
Conventions, Meetings and Trade Show Management II (HEM 306) 3
Event Planning (CAM 335) 3
Food and Beverage Operations Management (HEM 308) 3
Total 18
Minor in Human-Computer Interaction/User Experience Design (HCI/UX Design)
Course Credit
Information Systems in Organizations (CIS 236) 3
Introduction to Human Computer Interaction-User Experience (CIS 289) 3
Cognitive Psychology (PY 385) 3
Advanced Digital Media-Web (AR 462) 3
Advanced Digital Media-Multimedia (AR 463) 3
Advanced Digital Media-Senior Project (AR 465) 3
Total 18
Minor in Art for Interior Design
Course Credit
Drawing I (AR 221) 3
Design I (AR 231) 3
Design II (AR 232) 3
Studio Electives (AR 300-400 level) 6
Art History (choose one from AR 480, 481, 482, or 483) 3
Total 18
Minor in Photography
Course Credit
Film Photography I (AR 200) 3
Design I (AR 231) 3
Film Photography II (AR 300) 3
Studio Photography (AR 302) 3
Narrative Photography (AR 404) 3
History of Photography (AR 484W) 3
Total 18
Minor in Space Planning and Design
Course Credit
Interior Architecture and Design Seminar (IAD 261) 3
Architectural Documentation II (IAD 264) 3
Space, Form, and Concept (IAD 274) 3
Select three courses from the following: 9
Construction Technology (IAD 310)
Building Materials and Codes (IAD 323)
Architectural Documentation I (IAD 260)
Architectural Documentation III (IAD 343)
Visual Communication of the Built Environment (IAD 345)
Building Systems for Interior Architecture and Design (IAD 354)
Interior Architecture and Design I- Residential Studio (IAD 364)
Interior Architecture and Design II- Hospitality Studio (IAD 365)
Professional Practices and Entrepreneurship in IAD (IAD 461)
Total 18


Certificate in Art History
Course Credit
Art History Survey I (AR 281) 3
Art History Survey II (AR 282) 3
Art History Survey III (AR 283) 3
Select one from the following Art History courses: 3
Modern Art (AR 480W)
Modern Architecture (AR 481W)
Italian Renaissance Art (AR 482W)
American Art (AR 483W)
Women in Art History (AR 486W)
Special Topics in Art History (AR 487W)
Total 12
Certificate in Fine Arts — 2D
Course Credit
Level One Certification
Art Appreciation (AR 170) 3
Drawing I (AR 221) 3
Design I (AR 231) 3
Painting I (AR 342) 3
Total 12
Level Two Certification
Printmaking I (AR 311) 3
Select two courses from the following: 6
Drawing II (AR 222)
Printmaking II (AR 312)
Selected Studies in Studio Art (AR 335)
Painting II (AR 343)
Professional Practices in Art (AR 493) 3
Total 12
Certificate in Fine Arts — 3D
Course Credit
Level One Certification
Art Appreciation (AR 170) 3
Drawing I (AR 221) 3
Design I (AR 231) 3
Design II (AR 232) 3
Total 12
Level Two Certification
Select three courses from the following: 9
Ceramics I (AR 351)
Ceramics II (AR 352)
Sculpture I (AR 391)
Sculpture II (AR 392)
Professional Practices in Art (AR 493) 3
Total 12
Certificate in Graphic Design
Course Credit
Level One Certification
Select one course from the following: 3
Drawing I (AR 221)
Painting I (AR 342)
Design I (AR 231) 3
Digital Media I (AR 347) 3
Digital Media II (AR 348) 3
Total 12
Level Two Certification
Semiotics in Art (AR 446) 3
Select two from the following Advanced Digital Media courses: 6
Advanced Digital Media - 2D (AR 461)
Advanced Digital Media-Web (AR 462)
Advanced Digital Media - Multimedia (AR 463)
Advanced Digital Media - Video (AR 464)
Professional Practices in Art (AR 493) 3
Total 12
Certificate in Photography
Course Credit
Level One Certification
Film Photography I (AR 200) 3
Digital Photography I (AR 201) 3
Drawing I (AR 221) 3
Design I (AR 231) 3
Total 12
Level Two Certification
Film Photography II (AR 300) 3
Studio Photography (AR 302) 3
Select one from the following Advanced Photography courses: 3
Narrative Photography (AR 404)
Alternative Process and Large Format in Photography (AR 405)
Thematic Portfolio in Photography (AR 406)
Professional Practices in Art (AR 493) 3
Total 12

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