Emmanuel Kofi Ackom, PhD
Assistant Professor and Sustainability Program Coordinator: Univ. of North Alabama - Guizhou Univ.
Ph.D. Brandenburg University of Technology.
M.Sc. Brandenburg University of Technology.
- B.Sc. University of Ghana.
Areas of Expertise
Energy Policy & Governance
Bioenergy - Food - Forest Nexus
Energy Geographies
Urban Geography: Informal Settlements
Environmental Sustainability Assessment
Climate Change (Mitigation and Adaptation)

ES146: Sustainable Earth
ES 302: Energy
ES 303: Sustainable Food Production and Agriculture
ES 304: Waste
Selected Publications and Research Contributions
Cho, H., and Ackom, E., Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven approach to Climate Action and Sustainable Development. Nature Communications. Accepted for publication.
Vilaplana J.A.L., Yang, G., Ackom, E., Monaco, R., and Xue. Y. Dynamic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Digitalization in the Energy Industry. Engineering. Accepted for publication.
Monaco, R., Bergaentzlé, C., Vilaplana, J.A.L., Ackom, E. and Nielsen, P.S., 2024. Digitalization of Power Distribution Grids: Barrier Analysis, Ranking and Policy Recommendations. Energy Policy, 188, p.114083.
Moner-Girona, M., Solano-Peralta, M., Lazopoulou, M., Ackom, E., Vallve, X. and Szabó, S., 2018. Electrification of Sub-Saharan Africa through PV/hybrid mini-grids: Reducing the gap between current business models and on-site experience. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91, pp.1148-1161.
Broto, V.C., Stevens, L., Ackom, E., Tomei, J., Parikh, P., Bisaga, I., To, L.S., Kirshner, J. and Mulugetta, Y., 2017. A research agenda for a people-centred approach to energy access in the urbanizing global south. Nature Energy, 2(10), pp.776-779.
Kemausuor, F. and Ackom, E., 2017. Toward universal electrification in Ghana. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: energy and environment, 6(1), p.e225.
Singh, R., Wang, X., Mendoza, J.C. and Ackom, E., 2015. Electricity (in) accessibility to the urban poor in developing countries. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: energy and environment, 4(4), pp.339-353.
Ackom, E., Alemagi, D., Ackom, N.B., Minang, P.A. and Tchoundjeu, Z., 2013. Modern bioenergy from agricultural and forestry residues in Cameroon: Potential, challenges and the way forward. Energy Policy, 63, pp.101-113.