Matthew Balentine, PhD

Assistant Professor, Experiential Leaning Coordinator, and Geography Club Advisor
- Ph.D. University of North Carolina - Greensboro
- M.A. University of Wyoming
- B.S. 国产AV
Areas of Expertise
Political Geography
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
- Electoral Geography
- American South
- Enviornmental Hazards
- Urban Geography
Selected Publications and Research Contributions
Balentine. 2022. Geographic Language and the 2020 presidential Debates. In Atlas of the 2020 Election. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield publishers.
- Balentine, M. D., and C. Johnson. 2020. Sovereignty. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition). Oxford: Elsevier
Balentine. 2018b. The Changing Electoral Landscape of the Western United States. The Professional Geographer 70 (4):566–582.
Balentine, M. D., and G. R. Webster. 2018a. Place Names as a Form of Strategic Political Communication: An Analysis of Geographic Language Used in U.S. Presidential Debates from 1976-2012. In The Changing Global Map of Languages. New York: Springer.
Johnson, C., and M. D. Balentine. 2014. Politics in the Landscape: Reading Toponymy in Political Geography. In Proceeding of the 20th International Seminar on Sea Names. Gyeongju, Korea.
- GE 111: Weather and Climate
- GE 303: Geography of the South
- GE 404/504: Natural Hazards and Disasters