Strategic Planning and Budget Study Committee

Members (2024-2025)

Ms. Candace Arnold (Staff, 2027)
Dr. Gregory Buckley (Faculty, 2025)
Mr. Will Cantrell (SGA, 2025)
Dr. Jenny Dawson (Faculty, 2026)
Ms. Jami Flippo (Staff, 2026)
Mr. Kevin Haslam (by position)
Dr. Ann-Marie Irons (Faculty, 2027)
Dr. Kevin Jacques (Staff, 2025)
Dr. Katie Kinney (COAD, 2026)
Dr. Kelly Latchaw (Faculty, 2025)
Dr. Josh Looney (by position)
Dr. Scott Lyons (Faculty, 2025)
Dr. Molly Mathis (non-voting, by position)
Dr. Brien Smith (non-voting, by position)
Mr. Evan Thornton (by position)
Dr. KC White (by position)




Minutes of Meetings

Annual Reports

Funding Request Form