ACHE and SACSCOC Submission Requirements and Deadlines

Deadlines and requirements for submissions to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) are provided below. 

Alabama Commission on Higher Education 


 ACHE Approval Flowchart

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges 

For a substantive change requiring approval by the full Board of Trustees:

SACSCOC Board Meeting

Submission Deadline

June Meeting

March 15

December Meeting

September 1

Examples of substantive changes requiring full Board approval

Level Change

For a substantive change requiring approval by the Executive Council

Changes implemented 

July 1-December 31

January 1

Changes implemented 

January 1-June 30

July 1

Examples of Substantive Changes requiring approval by the Executive Council:

New Program (50 percent or more new content)

Cooperative Academic Arrangement with Non-Title IV Entities
(25-50 percent content transcripted)

Program Closure

Examples of substantive changes requiring notification to SACSCOC

Dual Academic Award

Joint Award with SACSCOC Institution

Program Reopen (within 5 years of closure)

New Program (25-49 percent new content)

Adding a method of delivery to an existing program

Cooperative Academic Arrangement with Non-Title IV Entities (less than 25 percent content transcripted)