Academic Programs in Chemistry and Physics
The Department of Chemistry and Physics offers major programs in chemistry and physics leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree, minors in both chemistry and physics, supporting coursework for other major programs and pre-professional curricula, coursework applicable to physical science requirements in the general studies components, and the cooperative programs described below. The department also provides the subject field for the preparation of secondary teachers of chemistry offered through the College of Education and Human Sciences. Students with majors in chemistry as a teaching field for education certification are required to take an exit examination for graduation.
The applied chemistry option is designed for students who plan to enter the workforce in chemistry or a related field after graduation. It allows students to customize their specialization with a minor in physics, biology, math, criminal justice, or whatever discipline best suits their planned career path. Requirements for the applied chemistry option include prescribed ancillary course-work in computer science, mathematics, and physics.
The professional health science option is designed for students who plan to go on to a health-related professional program after graduation, such as medical, pharmacy, or dental school. It brings together the fundamental courses in chemistry, biology, and physics that these programs require, thus preparing students for the programs as well as their entrance exams. This concentration does not require a minor. Requirements for the professional biochemistry option include prescribed ancillary courses in biology, computer science, mathematics, and physics.
Students who choose either the ACS certified biochemistry or the ACS certified chemistry major option will be best prepared to pursue a graduate degree in biochemistry or chemistry. They encompass a thorough study of chemistry, include ancillary courses in math, physics, and biology, as well as an introduction to research. These concentrations do not require minors.

Chemistry Major
Undergraduate - B.A./B.S.
The major in Chemistry includes four options: , , (ACS Certified), and (ACS Certified).

UNA also offers a minor in Chemistry.
The Professional Physics option of the physics major is designed especially for students who anticipate pursuing further studies in physics beyond the bachelor’s degree. It is a rigorous program that aims at preparing students to meet the challenges of graduate studies in physics.
The General Physics option of the physics major is designed for students who anticipate seeking employment after receiving the bachelor’s degree or who intend to pursue graduate studies in a field other than physics. This option provides a more flexible program, which may be tailored to better suit the particular needs and goals of individual students.
The geophysics option of the physics major is designed for students interested in the Earth’s dynamic changes. Attention is given to data analysis using programming and scripted languages of geophysicists as students prepare to enter the field or seek graduate degrees.
The General Science option is a rigorous field of study primarily designed for secondary education majors.

UNA also offers a minor in Physics.